POWERFUL Fairy Subliminal (updated version)

Описание к видео POWERFUL Fairy Subliminal (updated version)

This subliminal has been highly requested.

These affirmations are from 3 different perspectives I, You, and They.
Here are the affs from the you perspective.


You are a fairy.
You have beautiful fairy wings.
Your fairy wings are separate from your arms.
Your fairy wings grow on your desired spot on your upper back.
Your fairy wings are your desired shape, size, length, colour, and design.
You have your desired wingspan.
You are able to make your beautiful fairy wings invisible at command.
Your fairy wings have your desired adaptations and functions.
You have the adaptations required to easily and safely fly with your amazing fairy wings.
You are able to easily fly with your fairy wings
You can safely fly as high as you want
Your fairy wings are your desired type
Your fairy wings look exactly to your desire.
Your wings are flexible
Your wings are indestructible
You can fly with wet wings
If your wings are wet they automatically dry within seconds
You love your wings
Your wings are perfect
Your wings are growing within this absolute instant
You are growing wings painlessly
Your results are extremely noticeable
You can swim under water with your wings with absolute ease
You have permanent phantom wings.
You are able to draw your wings in vivid detail.
You know exactly how you want your fairy wings to look like.
You have dreams of your desired fairy wings.
You have nature powers
You can create, shape, and manipulate plants
You feel connected to nature
You can make plants grow with your mind.
You can create endless plants
You can identify any and all plants with absolute ease
You have fairy beauty
You have long beautiful eyelashes
You have a perfect nose
You have perfect, cute, white teeth
You have a hairless body
Your scalp hair is beautiful, luminous and soft
Your hair is your desired length and colour.
You have soft, flawless, smooth, skin
You have a strong immune system
You are immune to all diseases
You have healing powers
You have your desired eye colour.
You have 20/20 vision.
You can heal cuts, bruises, and wounds
You can regenerate lost limbs, broken bones, and internal organs.
You love the environment.
You can talk to animals.
You understand animals communication and animals understand your communication.
You can instantly detect other fairies.
Your fairy wings are growing right now.
You have pure fairy DNA.
You naturally have the fairy gene.
Your fairy gene is activating right now.
The speed of your fairy wing growth is extremely fast.
You have fully grown fairy wings 1 billion times faster than the speed of light.
Visualising your fairy wings is extremely easy.
You fully believe that you are able to grow fairy wings.
You are fully immune to slow wing growth.
You are growing fairy wings correctly.
You know fairy anatomy in depth.
You are able to easily and effectively use biokinesis to increase the speed of your fairy wing growth.
Your fairy wings are forming right now.
You receive fast results within this absolute instant
You receive fast and permanent results
Results stay with you forever
Results go safely into DNA
You believe in the power of subliminals
You are a master at law of attraction
You have full belief in law of attraction
You love your results
Results are extremely noticeable
You can feel your results coming
Results come extremely fast
You receive results faster than the speed of light
You receive results every time you breathe, talk, walk, laugh, smile, write, read, sleep, eat, think, and run.
You receive all of the results you desire.
This subliminal is immune to clashing with any other subliminals.
Your subconscious mind is manifesting each and every affirmation.


Music: Fairy forest
Watch:    • Celtic Music – Fairy Forest  


Discord: Aria#0183
Dm me on my discord and ask for an invite join my discord server.
I hope you have an amazing day!!
- Aria


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