1200 Buildings Program | City of Melbourne

Описание к видео 1200 Buildings Program | City of Melbourne

Find Out More: http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/1200b...

Signatories to the 1200 Buildings Program embark upon challenging retrofit projects to improve the environmental performance, health and value of their buildings. Our 1200 Buildings video series captures their stories.

-- Transcript --


DR. KATHY ALEXANDER: Melbourne is known for its livability. If we don't maintain that the fabric of the community that we live in, we lose that edge.

TONY ARNEL: This is a conversation about transforming the building marketplace, but importantly it's also about delivering a return on investment.

TONY COPE: It shows the industry that buildings can be greened up, provide better dividends back to the investors and regardless of all that, it's just the right thing to do

DR. CATHY OKE: Twelve hundred buildings is two-thirds of the commercial buildings in the City of Melbourne. If we can retrofit two-thirds of the building stock, we'll have a 383,000 tonne reduction of CO2 each year.

DR. KATHY ALEXANDER: It's ambitious, but we think achievable, it actually addresses over fifty per-cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the city, so it's a big deal, it'll make a big difference.

TONY ARNEL: Any type of building can be retrofitted and this '1200 Building' program is trying to engage with as many types of building as it possibly can, so this is about new technologies that deliver energy efficiency, water saving, better outcomes in relation to heating, ventilation and air conditioning and ultimately a better indoor environment from the tenant point of view

DR. KATHY ALEXANDER: There's no doubt that buyers, and indeed renters are very interested in low-cost buildings. Tenants that have upgraded their buildings to be more energy efficient, to be more water efficient have more productive workforces, they have workers that want to stay in their offices because they want to work for companies that are actually engaged in making a difference in the environmental space.

TONY COPE: And any investment in greening up in our view will result in handsome dividends and future-proof the building for years to come.

DR. KATHY ALEXANDER: '1200 Buildings' program has the potential to develop over two billion dollars worth of investment as well as about 8000 extra jobs.

TONY ARNEL: At the end of the day, this is a conversation about not just delivering individual green buildings, but ultimately delivering green cities that really do have an impact in relation to how we mitigate against the worst consequences of climate change.

DR. DAVE COLLINS: I'm really excited by the opportunity the '1200 Building' program represents, because it's an example of how together, locally we can do our bit for the global problem.

DR. CATHY OKE: It's an Australian first program, the rest of the world is watching how we develop, and how we progress, and we really hope that buildings get involved and get on board the '1200 Building' program.


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