How to use the PAST TENSE in IRISH/ as GAEILGE

Описание к видео How to use the PAST TENSE in IRISH/ as GAEILGE

  / gaeilge_i_mo_chroi  

List of VERBS:
Ceannaigh (kyan-nee) - to buy
Siúl (shool)- to walk
Bris (brish)- to break
Léim (lame)-to jump
Nigh (nyee)- to wash
Rith (reeh)- to run
Scuab (scoo-ib)- to brush
Smaoinigh (smwee-nee)- to think
Spreag (sprag)- to encourage
Athraigh (ah-hree)- to change
Ól (all) -to drink
Ullmhaigh (ull-wee)- to prepare
Ith (ee-h)- to eat
Éirigh (eerie) - to become/rise
Foghlaim (fole-lim) - to learn

Past- tense pronunciations:
Cheannaigh- hyan-nee
Shiúl- hyool
Bhris- vrish
D’athraigh- dah-ree
D’ól- doll
D’ullmhaigh- dull-wee
D’ith- jeeh
D’éirigh- jeer-ree

Disclaimer: I may make mistakes with the language from time to time. I am not fluent nor a professional teacher.


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