Warframe Verglas Prime Summary 20 225 SP Heavy Gunner all destroyed Meta companion before rework

Описание к видео Warframe Verglas Prime Summary 20 225 SP Heavy Gunner all destroyed Meta companion before rework

final testing and final build this build Nautilus Prime can survive 20 225 corrupted heavy gunner exumus and Verglas Prime kill them and show you where they are hiding! -- Watch live at   / stashhimes  
0:00 start
02:00 Veriglas Prime test vs 1 SP 225 corrupted heavy gunner
03:00 viral heat build for corrupted radiation build murmur but why won't it attack more than 1 enemy? no ammo? wrong!
10:00 scolding doesn't help :(
11:00 encouragement doesn't help!
13:00 swapping polarities because I like confusing myself
13:50 back to viral heat vs 2,3 SP 225 heavy gunner still doesn't attack? why? answer to follow
15:00 swap mods 2 enemies go down.. but not 3
16:00 need 20 enemies? processing
21:00 MYSTERY solved!!! To get nautilus prime and veriglas prime to attack continuously you need to have the enemy AI off.
22:00 testing continues... Nautilus Prime and Verglas Prime assault mod(e) vs 20 unshackled SP Corrupted Heavy Gunners
24:30 Veriglas Prime destroys all!
27:00 Nautilus Prime Cordon grouping test why is it so slow to group none prime seemed faster? ...processing
30:00 why I need shield regen... I may be a little strange.. but I have my reasons
32:00 It is strong but is it resilient can it survive strong enemies?
35:00 It's alive! Survives 20 unhinged SP 225 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus
37:00 Can it get past 20 Corrupted Nullifier Eximus????
38:25 He tricked me the Bastard!!!
39:00 It lives!!!! ( I died but Drifter comes in the the save!!!)
40:00 this is the best build for me and my game playing style if it helps please subscribe and like the the video!
Buy Buy Bay Bees!


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