Donkey Kong Country 3: Part 25: Krevice Kreepers

Описание к видео Donkey Kong Country 3: Part 25: Krevice Kreepers

Using the new Turbo Ski, Dixie and Kiddy can now scale waterfalls on the main map.

This will allow them to enter into K3, the most northern section of the Northern Kremisphere. It's quite a frost place!

This first level of K3 will focus on you using tightropes to climb a snowy mountain.

The Koin/DK Coin couple is in a more-closed area at 2:25. You must carefully throw a Steel Barrel upwards towards the right wall so that it bounces off and rolls towards the Koin. This took me a while to pull off, but I think the deal is that you need to use Kiddy for this, not Dixie.

Here's the two Bonus Rooms for this level:

The first one is at around 0:58. Instead of climb up, head left and find the Bonus Barrel. This one has you Collect 30 Stars on tightropes. Watch out for that explosive red Klaps on them!

The second one is on the right path at 4:30, where the N is. Use Kiddy to Team-up toss Dixie upwards to a right ledge. Follow its path and avoid the incoming Knocka to get to the Bonus Barrel, where it will have you Find the Bonus Coin above tightropes without getting hit by Klasps.

Wrinkly doesn't seem to mind the cold. Her Save Cave in this region keeps her nice and warm.


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