TEAM UTRG Open range live fire training 실사격 훈련 (rifle pistol transition / maneuver / reloading)

Описание к видео TEAM UTRG Open range live fire training 실사격 훈련 (rifle pistol transition / maneuver / reloading)

정기적 실사격훈련은 상당히 중요합니다. 예비역 뿐 아니라 현역역시도 국내 실사격 훈련 조건은 법규나 안전문제로 상당히 제한적이지만 제한된 사로형태라도 가까운 사격장을 찾아 정기적으로 실사격훈련을 실시하여 PTW와 함께 훈련을 병행하는걸 권장 합니다.

영상속 UTRG팀원 훈련내용은 근거리 기동사격, Floating stock firing, 거리별 조준 최적화, 센터필 주/부무장 트랜지션등 다양한 내용으로 수일간 실시하였습니다.

This is an open range live fire training of UTRG team members.

Unlike the United States, Korea's live-fire training conditions are quite limited. However, regular live-fire training is recommended not only for active duty personnel but also for reserve soldiers to maintain their skill level.

If you regularly conduct live-fire training along with FOF(force on force) or CQB training using PTW(personal training weaopn), you will be able to dramatically increase the cumulative training time of all team members while maintaining some degree of muscle memories for real ammunition.

The training content in the video was carried out for several days, including close-range manuvering shooting, floating stock firing, aiming optimization by distance, center peel, and weapon transition.

We announce that the video shooting was carried out safely under the control of the management team at a pre-cooperative location and was carried out with prior notification and cooperation with relevant departments including the police.

Music Provided to YouTube by Foundation Media LLC
Free Bird · MOONLGHT
Free Bird

Produced by tac union &
camp delta _korea

Team UTRG(Urban tactical research group)

Copyright 2024 @tac_union all rights reserved.

#realsteel #shooting #tacticalshooter


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