Supabase Realtime (How to subscribe to real time changes in Flutterflow)

Описание к видео Supabase Realtime (How to subscribe to real time changes in Flutterflow)

Supabase Realtime allows us to stream real time database changes to our Flutterflow applications.

This functionality can be useful for a number of use cases such as chat apps, booking apps, live updates, sports scores etc. Any application you can think of that requires the data to be updated live from the database will benefit from Supabase Realtime.

The example we are using in the video is subscribing to INSERT operations for the messages table in a simple group chat application. The example in the video returns one update, however there are instructions on the link below to continue listening and updating.

The functionality isn't too difficult to get the hang of it and the code used in the video can be copied from the link below.


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