Christmas Events in Palm Beach County Florida | TOP 5 Holiday Attractions with Vinnie Panozzo

Описание к видео Christmas Events in Palm Beach County Florida | TOP 5 Holiday Attractions with Vinnie Panozzo

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! This video is all about the holiday attractions for you to enjoy with the whole family! I start at the 100 ft Christmas Tree in Delray and end up at Okeeheelee Park for a ride through light show that is festive and FUN! Below are the descriptions of each event, along with links to buy tickets or get more information!

PLEASE let me know what you think by dropping a comment, giving me a like and telling me if you are a local or visiting the area.

Have an AMAZING and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Kwanza!!!

Delray Beach events-
100 ft Christmas Tree lighting will happen December 3rd, here is the link for more info

Holiday Boat Show

Deck 84-

Worth Ave Christmas Tree lighting and parade-

Ice Skating at the Ben-

Sandi the Beach Sand Christmas Tree-
Thursday, December 5, from 6-10:00 p.m.
FREE on the West Palm Beach Waterfront

Ride the Ferris Wheel at Wonderland Village-


Wellington Holiday Boat Parade

Hope you have fun! Be safe!

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VINNIE PANOZZO | South Florida Realtor
☎️ Call or 📱 Text: 561-320-4433
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