الدحيح | الحرب الباردة

Описание к видео الدحيح | الحرب الباردة

الدنيا دي متسعناش إحنا الأتنين

1- The Cold War: A New History - John Lewis Gaddis (  / 28432.the_cold_war  )

Articles and Related Links:
1- https://orwell.ru/library/articles/AB...
2- Orwell, George (10 March 1946). The Observer.
3- https://www.history.com/this-day-in-h...
4- https://www.britannica.com/event/Cold...
5- https://www.history.com/topics/cold-w...

Wikimedia Commons (Boeing B-29 Superfortress – Enola Gay – The little boy bomb- the fat man bomb- George Orwell-Bernard Baruch- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk-Vladimir Lenin-Franklin D. Roosevelt- Hitler’s death headline-Map of eastern and western blocs- Truman’s signing for the national security act-Vyacheslav Molotov –American aids airline to Berlin - Klaus Fuchs-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- J. Robert Oppenheimer-Nikita Khrushchev - Mao Zedong – Russian ICBM- John Foster Dulles- Suez Canal nationalization Headline- Fidel Castro-Che Guevara-fulgencio batista – Cuban Revolution- Russian missiles base in Cuba- Sputnik 1- Apollo 1 - Frank Borman – Satellites around Earth - Charles de Gaulle - Leonid Brezhnev – Vietnam war)

British Path’e (2-3 seconds shots from: “Flashback To Hiroshima Atom Drop 1964” –“The Battle Of Budapest: Hungarian Revolution-1956” – “The Space Race Quickie” - “Berlin - A Divided City 1961” – “Voice of America cutter broadcasts to Communist countries 1952” – “Is Your Phone Tapped -1957” – “Civil War In Hungary -1956” )
rarenewspapers.com (Headlines about Hiroshima disaster- Harry Truman comment on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima - Headline about Truman Act- communists take control of Czechoslovakia – Spying headlines – Russian H-Bomb Headline)

BBC (Damages of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bombing)

AP (Harry S.Truman – Chernobyl reactor – American troops in Vietnam – Americans demonstrate against the war in Vietnam)
press.uillinois.edu (American Radio Propaganda Posters During Cold war)
Russian News Agency TASS (Building- work during the cold war era)

berlin. de (Berlin wall construction)

artsy. net / Elliott Erwitt (fountains Segregation between whites and colored)


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