Ep59, Kokubunji, #59 temple of 88temples in Ohenro pilgrimage

Описание к видео Ep59, Kokubunji, #59 temple of 88temples in Ohenro pilgrimage

This is the film by Ohenro Index.
Ohenro is the pilgrimage visiting 88 temples in Shikoku (island in west Japan.)
We hope this film help your pilgrimage and travel in Japan.
And hopefully attract who has interests in Japan tourism and pilgrimage.

#59 Kokubun-ji
●About this temple
Kokubunji, located at the foot of Mt. Karako, near the scenic Karakohama Beach Kokubunji is a temple that was built across the country at the behest of Emperor Shomu, and there is one temple in each prefecture in Shikoku, all of which are designated as Shikoku Sacred Sites. The Kokubunji Temple in Iyo was founded by Gyoki in the 13th year of Tenpyo (741), and at that time it was a magnificent large temple with seven halls. The temple was repeatedly burnt down and rebuilt, but for a while, only a small thatched-roofed hall stood alone.The current main hall was built in 1789 by Eko Shonin as the main hall.Daishido, Bishamonten, Nara period At the time of its founding, it was located about 100 meters east of the current location, and is said to be the site of the former Kokubunji temple, which is lined with temple treasures and cultural properties from the early Heian period to the early Heian period, as well as a shoin that preserved artifacts excavated from the former Kokubunji temple. Thirteen granite cornerstones were discovered at the site, making it a nationally designated historic site.

●Point to watch around
・Kokubunji Documents - A cultural property designated by the prefecture, and the 3 volumes of Kokubunji Documents, a temple treasure, are said to date from the Nanbokucho period. Roadside Station Yunoura Onsen - This hot spring nearby opened in April 1999, and provides tourist information and sells special products from Shikoku, as well as restaurants and hot springs. There is also a stand, and you can rent bicycles for 400 yen for 4 hours.A place that can be used as a base for sightseeing in the surrounding area.

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This is the film by Ohenro Index.
Ohenro is the pilgrimage visiting 88 temples in Shikoku (island in west Japan.)
We hope this film help your pilgrimage and travel in Japan.
And hopefully attract who has interests in Japan tourism and pilgrimage.


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