How to Setup Floating Condenser Control in AK-SM 800A | Technical support for supermarket controls

Описание к видео How to Setup Floating Condenser Control in AK-SM 800A | Technical support for supermarket controls

In this video, we show you how to configure floating condenser control using saturated condensing temperature in the Danfoss AK-SM 800A System Manager. This control method helps optimize energy efficiency and ensure proper refrigeration operation by adjusting the condenser fan speed based on the difference between the ambient temperature and the saturated condensing temperature.

Key steps covered include:

•How to access and configure condenser control settings in the AK-SM 800A
•Setting up the control sensor for saturated condensing temperature
•Understanding and configuring key parameters: minimum condensing temp., maximum condensing temp., and delta T
•Assigning necessary sensors such as outdoor temperature and drop leg pressure transducer
•Monitoring the system and adjusting controls based on target values

Whether you're working on an initial setup or optimizing an existing system, this video will guide you through the essential steps to configure and fine-tune your floating condenser control settings in your Danfoss AK-SM 800A System Manager.

Find More Tips and Tricks on the Danfoss Controller Talk Podcast, where experts highlight best practices for utilizing Danfoss controls in the supermarket and warehouse industries that you won't find in any manual:    • Controller Talk Podcast | Technical S...  

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