What did the Soviet People Feel After Stalin's Death? - KGB Files

Описание к видео What did the Soviet People Feel After Stalin's Death? - KGB Files

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During the days after the death of #Stalin, the MGB of Ukraine drew up reports on the reaction of people and sent them to Moscow. The secret service was interested not in official speeches at mourning rallies, but in people's comments in private conversations, which were recorded and transmitted by agents. Not only quotes from conversations but also reports of people's fights over Stalin, deaths at mourning rallies, and other terrible things were included in these reports. I have chosen the most interesting of these documents, which are stored in the #archives of the Security Service of Ukraine. Let's read them together.

01:55 "Our red sun has set"
03:36 "It would be better if I gave my life"
04:12 "...suddenly died while speaking at the rallies”"
05:11 "threw himself under a passing tram and was killed"
06:14 "That's enough for him to drink the human blood"
08:06 "a group of students in the class beat Ogorinskaya"
09:18 "ended his speech with a shout of "Hurray""
10:13 "The monsters, doctors, traitors to the Fatherland are also guilty"
10:36 "Jewish killers"
11:52 "now the Americans can attack us"
12:39 "Comrade Beria has been appointed to his old place. This is also good"
13:25 "...many of them will now lose their heads"
14:43 Dances and tears in the Gulag

Written and hosted by Eduard Andryushchenko.
Video editor: Kateryna Eikhman.
Voice-over by Pavlo Morkovkin.
Language editing and translation by Yana Badoeva.
Design by Alyona Troyan.

I'm Eduard Andryushchenko, a Ukrainian historian and journalist. KGB Files is a history channel presenting fascinating stories I find in declassified #KGB archives.

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Contains Images:
Белоусов Сергей Николаевич / Vsbelousov / CC BY-SA 4.0
Portrait of Joseph Stalin at the Stalin Museum in Batumi (Georgia) / Ephraim Stillberg / CC BY-SA 3.0
Vorkuta Gulag / Source: Russian Federation State Archive, Moscow / CC BY-SA 3.0

Loss by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-...


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