Franz Liszt Part 2: An Artist Amongst Legends.

Описание к видео Franz Liszt Part 2: An Artist Amongst Legends.

In part two of our series on piano virtuoso, Franz Liszt, we get to see what life was like in 1830s Paris, as Franz rubs elbows with some of the most prominent writers, artists, and thinkers of the day. After witnessing a violin performance by the legendary Niccolò Paganini, Franz is inspired to reinvent what it means to play the piano, and establish himself as a true artist. It's also during this period that Franz meets his first great love, the Countess Marie d'Agoult, with whom he engages in his first scandalous affair. But this is only the beginning of the superstar's rise to fame, as audiences are just beginning to go crazy for the young, attractive, and charismatic performer. Tune in for part two of Franz Liszt to learn more about the rise of the world's first pop star. (Ep. 031)


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