divide by zero exception in java

Описание к видео divide by zero exception in java

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java divide by zero exception tutorial

in java, a divide by zero exception occurs when an arithmetic operation attempts to divide a number by zero. this is considered an illegal operation and results in an `arithmeticexception` being thrown at runtime.

key points:

1. **arithmeticexception**: this is a runtime exception that is thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred. for division, this specifically happens when the divisor is zero.

2. **types of division**:
**integer division**: if you try to divide an integer by zero, java will throw an `arithmeticexception`.
**floating point division**: if you divide a floating-point number (like `float` or `double`) by zero, java does not throw an exception. instead, it returns positive or negative infinity or nan (not a number).

example code

let's illustrate both cases with examples.

example 1: integer division by zero


example 2: floating point division by zero


handling division by zero

to prevent dividing by zero, you can implement checks before performing the division. here’s an example of how to handle it gracefully:



dividing by zero with integers in java will throw an `arithmeticexception`.
dividing by zero with floating-point numbers will not throw an exception but will yield `infinity` or `nan`.
always check if the denominator is zero before performing division to prevent exceptions and handle the case gracefully.

this knowledge will help you avoid common pitfalls associated with division operations in java.


#Java #DivideByZero #ExceptionHandling

java divide double by int
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java divide two integers
java divide operator
java divide integers to double
java divide by zero exception
java divide function
java divide integers
java divide
java divide and round up
java exception error
java exception api
java exception types
java exception print stack trace
java exceptions list
java exception handling
java exception has occurred
java exception hierarchy


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