Thiel CS1.5 speaker impedance measurement (100hz to 10khz) using a Hantek 1832C LCR meter

Описание к видео Thiel CS1.5 speaker impedance measurement (100hz to 10khz) using a Hantek 1832C LCR meter

Thiel CS1.5 is truly a 4 ohm speaker and you'd be surprised who good these baby Thiels can sound. I think one has to spend between 3k to 5k USD to get this quality nowadays. I bought them from friend who re veneered them and I upgraded the tweeters and woofers with Thiel spec'd modern drivers from Coherent Source audio, Rob Gillum. These need large amounts of current to be driven effectively, I tried with a modern Cambridge AUDIO AXR100 and it was less than mediocre performance. As soon as I switched to fully recapped dual Yamaha M80s, bass became tighter and controlled, couldn't comment about soundstage improvements but if i would make an educated guess then I will go with improved soundstage also.

Pre amp: miniDSP SHD
Amplifier: 2 x Yamaha M80 (recapped)


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