Software for Manufacturing Business – What to Look for?

Описание к видео Software for Manufacturing Business – What to Look for?

Tips for when you are searching for manufacturing software. Today it is accessible to start-ups as well as small manufacturing companies.
You run your own manufacturing business and you need to have software that is reliable and meets all your manufacturing needs. Regardless of the size of your business or type of industry, manufacturing software takes your business to the next level.

0:00 Introduction
0:43 What is Manufacturing Software?
01:30 Tips for Choosing the Right Manufacturing Software
02:05 1. Production Planning
02:41 2. Manage your inventory
03:30 3. Manage the store floor every day
04:03 4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
04:53 5. Manage the purchase of methods
05:31 6. Control costs and accounting
06:20 7. Integrate your software with other software
07:08 8. More key considerations
07:22 Your company profile
07:52 Where do you want to install your software?
08:24 License or subscription?
08:54 How easy is the software to install and use?

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