Living Links: The Precious Pearl, 2 of 21

Описание к видео Living Links: The Precious Pearl, 2 of 21

Content Outline:
0:0:14 Du’a/Asalaamu Alaikum (Faraz Khan)
0:02:36 Continuing the Text
0:02:54 The Insufficiency of Our Shukr
0:07:49 Salawaat on the Prophet SAW
0:11:00 Imam al-Ghazali on the Prophet’s SAW Elevation
0:13:11 The Rank of the Prophet SAW (I)
0:18:59 The Rank of the Prophet SAW (II)
0:22:13 The Religion of the Real
0:26:39 The Obligation of Learning the Science of Tawheed
0:26:50 Ilm
0:30:21 The Jawhara
0:33:45 Hope in Allah Alone
0:36:37 Humbling the Nafs (Ego)
0:38:08 Remembering the Akhira
0:43:49 Seeking the Reward From Allah (Concluding the Introduction)
0:44:56 Section II: The Legal Ruling of Tawheed
0:45:13 Knowing the 50 Tenets of Faith and the Foundation
0:48:47 Those Morally Accountable
0:52:45 Those Who Passed Between Prophets AS
0:58:06 The Necessary, Conceivable and Inconceivable

Comments, Questions and Answers

01:04:43 Comment 1: About conceit, it can come to a person in any form. Growing up as a non-Muslim, you are taught that humility is a weakness. It is good to learn that quality and build upon it. I appreciate you touching on that.
01:07:45 Question 1: What is the application for the conditions of being mukallaf? Is this about salvation, as you mentioned being legally accountable. Are these [terms] distinct?
01:08:35 Question 2: When you say the qalb (heart) and the nafs (ego) are from one faculty, what is that one faculty?
01:10:37 Question 3: For the people who have not received a Prophet, are you saying that they have a free pass? Does that contradict fairness?
01:13:33 Question 4: Does the definition of a mukallaf by Ashari aqidah encompass those who have received the message in a distorted form, FOX News etc…? Is it the message of it is distorted?
01:16:12 Question 5: When talking about the station of the Prophet SAW, we are told to venerate the Prophet SAW does this cause a contradiction in tawheed similar to way that Christians venerated Jesus AS? Can you elaborate on the distinction between the Prophet SAW and tawheed to show how they are not in contradiction?
01:21:17 Question 6/7: Regarding the hadith that states that Allah is Beautiful and loves Beauty, how do we define beauty? (Q7) Does it imply that everything He has Created has an aspect of beauty to it?

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