Claw Hand ( true claw hand) & causes

Описание к видео Claw Hand ( true claw hand) & causes

CLAW HAND ( clinical features) : how this deformity occurs ?
It is a condition where the metacarpo-phalangeal
(MCP) are hyperextended &. PIP and DIP joints are flexed.

How does it occur?

Lumbricals are the main flexors of the Ist phalanx & Interossei are the sole extensors of the middle
and distal phalanges.

Paralysis of lumbricals leads to hyper extension of MCP joints (unopposed action of extensor digitorum).
When the interossei are paralysed , the PIP & DIP joints are flexed.

True /complete claw hand :
Combined lesion of Ulnar & Median nerve cause paralysis of interossei & lumbricals.

Ulnar claw hand. : ulnar nerve involvement only.

Causes of claw hand :
1.MND i.e ALS, progressive muscular atrophy
3.cervical rib
4.Klumpke’s paralysis
5. Leprosy

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