The Half Engine

Описание к видео The Half Engine

(This video is created for a general audience, however, it contains content in it that may frighten or disturb younger viewers. As such this video is for teens and adults)

Hoo boy, The Half Engine. A video with a whopping 1GB worth in size, has a full fledged voice cast AND is eighteen minutes long.

This video is without a doubt, the BIGGEST project I've undertaken this year, with production starting back in August, only now finishing up mid-October!

This project is a labor of love; both to the story and to the horror genre as a whole! I am a big horror nut and really wanted to tap into a more darker side of Thomas horror videos that what I have usually uploaded.

A big thank you to all the VAs who participated and agreed to be a part of this production; everyone did a bang-up job!
And a MASSIVE thank you to Unhelpful Git, OhShootTre and KiwiConductor for the model of the titular Half Engine! The end product turned out wonderfully!

I hope you all enjoy this very dark and spooky tale!


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