Soviet Butane Camouflage (Doug)

Описание к видео Soviet Butane Camouflage (Doug)

Butane/Butane/Bytane camo was developed in 1981. It was planned to be implemented for the 40th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. However butane had short commings and a variant called (3-TsV) TTsKo was found to be more effective. Butane and TTsKo saw very limited use in the Soviet-Afghan war. Both patterns saw service in many Post-Soviet Conflicts such as Transnistria , Chechnya, the Tajik Civil war, South Ossetia and the Nagorno-Karabakh War

DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan)
Afghanistan (Islamic Emirate/Taliban)
India (Local copies, and direct copies of soviet TTsKo)
Pakistan (Small amounts copied from soviet TTsKo)
Palestine (possible Indian TTsKo)
Nepal (Maoists Insurgents, Indian TTsKo)
Naxalites( Indian TTsKo)

Successor States
Belarus-Small amounts(mainly Aviation TTsko for pilots)

Ukraine-Dubok variant 1991-present, MVS Dubok (blue/purple), Butane, TTsKo (Export Varients), Tricolor "swirl", (Poissble Bi-color)

Russia-TTsko (1991-1194), Butane (1991-1993?), Bi-color(?-1991)

Estonia- Local varients, replaced in 2006 by digital TTsKo

Lativa- some made in Ukraine, others made locallly

Lithuania-Most made in the Ukranian SSR, and Ukraine

Moldova-Most are ukranian made and some soviet made

Armenia- most soviet era ones, some ukranian ones

Azerbijan- some Soviet producted ones, some Ukranian ones, and Blue/Purple locally produced Butane Variants.

Tajikstan-Some Butane, some Soviet, some Ukranian

Kazakhstan-Blue TTsko became a strange TTsKo/KKO hybrid

Kyrgyzstan-Soviet TTsko, used Uzbek Butane TTsKo Hybrid

Uzbekistan-Soviet TTsko, Local TTsKo/Butane Hybrid

Turkminestan-Soviet TTsKo, Local produced, Possible Indian, Pakistan or Chinese Produced TTsKo
Unrecoginized States

Nagorno-Karabakh-Mostly Soviet TTsKo, Ukrainan Butane Varants

South Ossetia-Mostly Soviet TTsko and butane, some Ukrainain camo bouught from Ukraine other camo Captured From Georgian Storage

Abkhazia- Soviet Produced (TTsKo, Butane) some Ukranian Pruchsesd, small amount captured form the UNA-UNSO "ARGO" during the 1993 War. Very Small Amounts used in the 2004 comflict, and 2008 Georgian-Russian War

Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus-Soviet TTsKo and Butane

Chechnya- Soviet Butane, some TTsKo

Ingushetia-Soviet TTsKo

Dagestan-Soviet TTsKo, very small amounts of Butane

Types of Butane and TTsKo
Tanker- most common. has triangular shirt pockets

Aviation-Pilot has top pockest like m88 cut, but side "slit" pockets on waist

Naval Infantry-Similar to M88 cut larger top pockets than VDV cut

VDV-some have bottom shirt pockets, some dont, sleeve pockets like Naval Infantry.


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