Section 6 of Transfer of Property Act,1882 II What may be transferred ? # section6tpa

Описание к видео Section 6 of Transfer of Property Act,1882 II What may be transferred ? # section6tpa

Section 6 of transfer of Property Act, 1882
What may be Transferred ?

This Video covers the topic -

Defination of Section 6
Property of any kind may be transferred, except as otherwise provided
by this Act, or by any other law for the time being in force.”

properties not transferrable by the act itself -

Spes Successionis — 

The chance of an heir-apparent succeeding to an estate

 the chance of a relation obtaining a legacy ( by will or gift ) on the death of a kinsman

 any other mere possibility of a like nature, cannot be transferred.”

Right of Re-entry. 
“A mere right of a re-entry for breach of a condition subsequent cannot be transferred to anyone except the owner of the property affected thereby

Easement —
 “ An easement like right of way, right of water, right of light etc cannot be transferred apart from the dominant heritage.”

Restricted Interest —
"An interest in property restricted in its enjoyment to the owner personally cannot be transferred by him”

SECTION 6 (dd)
Maintenance —
"A right to future maintenance, in whatsoever manner arising secured or
determined, cannot be transferred.”

Mere right to sue —
A mere right to sue cannot be transferred.”
A right to sue is personal to the  aggrieved party , as for, e.g., damages for the breach of contract or for tort, claims for past mesne profit for suing an agent for accounts, for pre-emption, etc.

Public office —
"A public office cannot be transferred, nor can the salary of a public officer, whether before or after it has become payable.”

Pensions can not be transferred —
"Stipends allowed to military, naval, air force and civil pensioners of the government and political pensions cannot be transferred, pension means a periodical allowances or stipend granted not in respect of any right of office but on account of part services of particular merits.

Nature of Interests  —
"No transfer can be made 
  (1) in so far as it opposed to the nature of the interest affected thereby, or
  (2) for an in so far unlawful object or consideration within the meaning of Section 23 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, 
  (3) to a person legally disqualified to be a transferee. “

Un-transferable interests - 
Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise a tenant having an un transferable right of occupancy, the farmer of an estate in respect of which default has been made in paying revenue, , on the lessee of an estate, under the management of a court of wards to assign his interest such as such tenant farmer or lessee.”

Case Laws Related to the topic -
Ganesh Prakash v. Khandu Baksh
It was held that the right to dry cloths over the flat masonry and roof of shops is a right of easement.

Re Davis and Company
Right to re entry is a personal right and can not be transferred.

Suraj Devi v. Seeta Devi
Pension retrieved from other than the government offices are transferrable.

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Adv. Rahul Chauhan


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