《Czardas/查爾達斯舞曲》Csárdás - A.T.M.(Amazing Trio Music)cover 大提琴版本 『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典古典系列】

Описание к видео 《Czardas/查爾達斯舞曲》Csárdás - A.T.M.(Amazing Trio Music)cover 大提琴版本 『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典古典系列】

查爾達斯舞曲 Czardas Csárdás

義大利作曲家維托里奧•蒙蒂(Vittorio Monti)於1904年以匈牙利傳統舞曲(Csárdás) 為藍本,將其舞蹈元素融入於其代表作《查爾達斯舞曲》的音樂中,它獨特的曲風和技巧性的樂句充分展現出維托里奧•蒙蒂的作曲才華。


這首樂曲一開始在鋼琴短暫的導奏後帶入了略帶感傷、浪漫的樂句,然後逐漸地過渡到激情洋溢的旋律,最後再以快速節奏在高昂的氛圍中為樂曲畫下句點。《查爾達斯舞曲》創造出一種動感和情感上的對比,使演奏者能盡情發揮,是故各個演奏者都會發展出其各自的詮釋方式,是一首相當受歡迎且多樣性的音樂作品。A.T.M. (Amazing Trio Music)結合大提琴、琵琶和鋼琴,除了保留原鋼琴的部分,再根據琵琶與大提琴這兩樣樂器的特色重新編曲,如此演繹這首古典名曲必將為您帶來獨特的聆聽體驗,希望你會喜歡A.T.M.的演奏。

A.T.M.(Amazing Trio Music)是由中西三大經典樂器所組合而成的三重奏。A.T.M.有既優雅又沉穩的大提琴、蘊含東方韻味的琵琶和彈指間傾瀉出如魔法般絢爛色彩的鋼琴。大提琴欲言又止般用旋律述說著感人肺腑的故事;琵琶以其獨特的音色勾勒出一幅又一幅動人心弦的山水畫;鋼琴隨著黑白琴鍵穿梭情感的高峰與低谷,三樣樂器齊鳴盡情揮灑音樂的力與美。

A.T.M.(Amazing Trio Music)透過這三樣中西樂器的組合,演奏古今中外各種不同風格的樂曲,在不同時代風格與文化歷史的樂曲間,激盪出無與倫比的音樂火花,打造出獨一無二的音樂饗宴,引領聽眾翱翔於音樂之海。A.T.M.固定每個月推出一部MV於YoYo Cello的頻道中,歡迎您的關注。

《You can get money from the A.T.M. but get happiness from our A.T.M.》

琵琶.混音:梁家寧 ​ ‪@ning_pipa‬
鋼琴:吳宜玲 ‪@LinlinPiano‬

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銀行: 國泰世華(013)

In 1904, Italian composer Vittorio Monti drew inspiration from the traditional Hungarian dance form known as "Csárdás" to create his iconic piece "Czardas," infusing the dance's elements into his music. This composition showcases Vittorio Monti's compositional prowess through its distinctive style and intricate musical phrases.

Vittorio Monti, being a violinist himself, originally composed this piece for violin and piano. This composition, rich with Gypsy flavor, features challenging tempo and rhythm variations. Performers can use these variations and technical skills to express emotions fully. "Czardas" is an excellent piece to display performance techniques and stage presence, often featured as an encore in concerts. Consequently, it has been adapted for various instruments, with mandolin, flute, accordion, pipa, and erhu among the most notable adaptations.

The piece starts with a brief piano introduction before transitioning into a slightly melancholic and romantic phrase. It then gradually shifts into a passionately vibrant melody, concluding with a rapid-paced rhythm that brings the composition to an exuberant closure. "Czardas" creates a dynamic contrast of emotions, allowing performers to unleash their expressions. As a result, different performers develop their unique interpretations, making it a widely appreciated and diverse musical work.

The A.T.M. (Amazing Trio Music), featuring cello, pipa, and piano, presents a distinct listening experience for this classical masterpiece. We hope that you will enjoy our performance.

《You can get money from the A.T.M. but get happiness from our A.T.M.》

Cello: YoYo Deng-Kai, Wu
Pipa: Pipa Ning Ning ‪@ning_pipa‬
Piano: ‪@LinlinPiano‬
Photography.Video: Santon. W
Description: Wester Wu

The new video will be fixed at 8.30 p.m. every Saturday.
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More information about YoYo:
Instagram:   / yoyo_cello  
Facebook:   / yoyocello  

For any performances invitation, please do inbox my Instagram or email me at: [email protected]

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