NEW BORN BABY CARE Tips ।नवजात को घुट्टी, नाभि में तेल, काजल लगाना कितना सही? Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani

Описание к видео NEW BORN BABY CARE Tips ।नवजात को घुट्टी, नाभि में तेल, काजल लगाना कितना सही? Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani

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पैदा होते ही बच्चे को घुट्टी, आँखों में काजल और नाभि में तेल लगाना सही है या गलत जानिये जाने-माने बच्चों के माहिर डाक्टर Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani से.
Dr. Mahesh Hiranandani is a consultant specialist associated with Cloudnine Hospitals. He has over 27 years of experience, he is regarded as a veteran in the paediatric realm of the beautiful city of Chandigarh. He has successfully handled & treated over 25000 babies within the span of his career.His personal areas of interest are Infectious diseases, Allergic disorders, Asthma & Nutrition.

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