The rise of the far-right in Germany

Описание к видео The rise of the far-right in Germany

Nowhere is the rise of the far right more poignant and alarming than in Berlin, Europe's powerhouse. This city is pockmarked with the bitter lessons of history.

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Germany has worked hard at what they call "Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung", or overcoming the past.

There are strict laws against hate crimes. And yet the city of Chemnitz saw mass rallies with neo-Nazi overtones in August and last week there were similar but smaller marches in Koethen.

What's more, the anti-immigrant AFD is now the official opposition party in the Bundestag with 92 MPs. They deny any links with extremists but we spoke to one extreme right-wing leader who believes it opens doors to his kind of views.

Channel 4 News asked the AFD for an interview but they were unable to provide anyone. The AFD are adamant that they have nothing to do with right wing extremists or neo nazis.

But Chancellor Merkel and her social democrat coalition partners have been very outspoken in their criticism of the kind of anti immigrant language used by the AFD. The next big test for AFD will be regional elections in Bavaria where the AFD is snapping at the heels of the ruling CSU.

This film shows the extent to which fringe figures now feel they can speak out and also the public following they are gaining.

This film contains themes some may find offensive.


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