Spinal cord introduction to the transverse section

Описание к видео Spinal cord introduction to the transverse section

When you look at a section through the spinal cord, what are you looking at? What is grey matter and white matter? What are they for? What are the parts of grey and white matter called?

This is a chat that should be fairly introductory to the anatomy of the spinal cord. It's not comprehensive but it's also not too dumbed down. Some bits are simplified because it's important to feel comfortable with some of the concepts of neuroanatomy so that you can then add complexity to your understanding. If you go in too hard though, you might bounce off. I know I do.

By the way, myelin is more than just fat. It's pretty cool and very important, but that's for another day.

Music by Jahzzar
Album: HiFi City Tales
Song: Bodies


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