PEDAGOGY : NCERT & SCERT पर आधारित Class-1 | PEDAGOGY 360 SERIES by Rohit Vaidwan Sir

Описание к видео PEDAGOGY : NCERT & SCERT पर आधारित Class-1 | PEDAGOGY 360 SERIES by Rohit Vaidwan Sir

In this video, we delve into the world of NCERT & SCERT, exploring the intricacies of these esteemed educational institutions and their significance in shaping the pedagogical landscape.

Rohit Vaidwan Sir, a renowned educator and expert in his field, shares his invaluable insights and expertise, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

360 SERIES by Rohit Vaidwan Sir!
pedagogy series by Rohit Vaidwan Sir

#Pedagogy #NCERT #SCERT #RohitVaidwanSir #360Series #pedagogybyrohitsir #pedagogy

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