瑤柱蛋白炒飯丨Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster(2021)FRIED RICE WITH DRIED SCALLOPS AND EGG WHITE [Eng Sub]

Описание к видео 瑤柱蛋白炒飯丨Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster(2021)FRIED RICE WITH DRIED SCALLOPS AND EGG WHITE [Eng Sub]


材料 Ingredients
白米 1杯 / 1 cup rice
清水 1杯 / 1 cup water
乾瑤柱 10克 / 10g dried scallops
菜心莖 6 條 / 6 choy sum (stems only)
蛋白 2隻 / 2 eggs (white only)
蒜蓉 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon garlic puree
芫茜 少許 (點綴用) / coriander, for garnish
米酒 2茶匙 / 2 teaspoons rice wine
麻油 少許 / sesame oil, to taste
胡椒粉 少許 / ground white pepper, to taste
鹽 少許 / salt, to taste

做法 Method
1. 白米洗淨,將米及水以1:1比例加入煲內,開中火煮至氣閥門跳動,再轉至細火繼續煮飯,煮時要保持氣閥門跳動。煮飯時間為10分鐘,熄火後再焗10分鐘至收水。完成後略為放涼備用。
Rinse well and drain the rice. Put the rice together with water in 1:1 ratio into a pot. Cook over medium heat until the Vapo-valve starts to click. Then cook over low heat and keep the valve clicking. Cook the rice for 10 minutes in total. Off the heat and let it sit for another 10 minutes until all water is fully absorbed. Set aside and let it cool a bit.

2. 乾瑤柱洗淨浸水30分鐘,再隔水蒸20分鐘,將瑤柱瀝乾撕成絲,另保留碗內瑤柱汁備用。
Soak the dried scallops for 30 minutes and steam them for 20 minutes. Drain and shred. Reserve the dried scallops juice for later use.

3. 菜心莖切粒備用,芫茜切細備用。
Dice the stems of the choy sum. Finely chop the coriander for later use.

4. 加2茶匙油,中火燒熱鑊。打勻蛋白,下鑊炒至凝固,盛起備用。
Heat 2 teaspoons oil over medium heat in a wok. Beat the egg white. Stir-fry to scramble it. Remove and set aside for later use.

5. 蒜蓉爆香,加入菜心粒略炒至半熟,盛起備用。
Sauté the garlic puree and stir-fry the diced choy sum until lightly wilted. Remove and set aside for later use.

6. 將白飯加入鑊中,加入適量蒸瑤柱汁,將白飯炒鬆。再下乾瑤柱和菜心粒,炒至均勻。下鹽和胡椒粉各少許,再加蛋白。
Put the rice in the wok. Drizzle with the dried scallops’ juice while stir-frying. Stir and toss well. Then stir in the dried scallops and the diced choy sum. Season with salt and ground white pepper to taste. Add the scrambled egg white.

7. 最後調味,下少許麻油和米酒2茶匙,炒勻後盛起即成,可加芫茜點綴。
Season with sesame oil and 2 teaspoons of rice wine to taste. Stir-fry and toss to combine all the ingredients, and garish with coriander.


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