ABC’s Clayton Sandell Shares His Lifelong Love for Star Wars and Some Exclusive News On Episode IX

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On this episode of The Resistance Broadcast, we discuss....

Clayton Sandell is an ABC News Correspondent, who helmed "The Force of Sound” documentary. He also gave us a look inside ILM, performs Star Wars interviews from the red carpet, a huge Star Wars fan himself who goes Star Wars treasure hunting with his son!

We thought J.J.’s hardest Star Wars task would be bringing Star wars back to life with The Force Awakens, but now he has an (arguably) even more difficult task - Bringing Leia back with Carrie Fisher for Episode IX, doing it right, having it make sense, and fit the film while respecting Carrie Fisher and her legacy. So let’s talk about how we think they’ll pull this off and what we think they’ll do!

What is one thing you think COULD happen in 9 that you hope doesn't?

Do you think Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is on the path for redemption or no? Do you think Kylo Ren/Ben Solo will die at the end of Ep IX?

OT Nix @thisisnixOf all the questions you’ve ever asked StarWars actors what is the funniest (or most memorable) answer/response to one of the questions you’ve asked?

@Natal_CrHow do you prepare questions before interviews for star wars movies (red carpet)? Also do you ever get star struck?

Adam Odle @ehodleFrom your vantage point what's one common misconception about how Star Wars movies are made?

Evan @HarrisHarrisev9
Favorite character in the sequel trilogy? And why?  


On the show today:
John Hoey
  / johnnyhoey  

James Baney
  / mirahtrunks  

Lacey Gilleran
  / laceygilleran  

Special thanks to Matt Pasterick for our theme song!


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