Causes & management of intermittent white spots on face except Leucoderma? - Dr. Nischal K

Описание к видео Causes & management of intermittent white spots on face except Leucoderma? - Dr. Nischal K

White spots on the skin other than leukoderma are because of various reasons. It can happen across all age groups. One thing that can give white spots is dryness. There can be mild peeling of the skin. Many at times it is unrecognised because it will not give you itching pain or burning. Go ahead and use a lot of moisturisers. Use a very mild face wash. Another important factor is sun allergy. These sometimes have a redness in the centre. Over a period of time they increase in size and they are a little bit symptomatic. People recognise it with either itching or burning. Once it is not treated it will tend to spread. It is not only on the face it can spread on the earlobes and the neck. Another common cause is fungal infection called as pityriasis versicolor. This is more common in teenagers and adult patients once the oil gland activity starts. So it is more common after puberty because hormones drive the oil gland secretion. Other cause for white spots are allergic conditions what we call as lichen sclerosus atrophicus. Here for some unknown reason tiny minute 1 to 2mm white spots happen and they or may not be itching. It tends to be progressive. These are some common conditions which can give rise to white spots on the face.


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