Top 7 Deer Resistant Perennials & Herbs to Keep Your Plants Safe 🌸🌹🦌 // Gardening Ideas

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There are many plants that are considered to be deer-resistant, meaning that they aren't favored by deer as a snack.

When hungry, deer will eat just about everything, but you can increase your chances of success by choosing perennials that are resistant to deer.

The following seven perennials and perennial herbs are resistant to both human attention and herbivores.
⏱ 7 Deer Resistant Perennials & Herbs to Keep Your Plants Safe
00:00 Intro
00:31 English Lavender
01:13 Lungwort
01:52 Rose Campion
02:24 Dutchman's Breeches
03:00 Yellow Alyssum
03:41 Foxglove
04:18 Sneezeweed
05:00 Outro
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tag : linda vater,garden answer,garden trends,garden media,perennial flowers,garden tour 2023,Plants Under Trees,Deer-Resistant Perennials and Herbs,perennial plants,border plants,landscaping ideas

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