LinkedIn Message Ads: What Are They & How To Run Them

Описание к видео LinkedIn Message Ads: What Are They & How To Run Them

This week we're exploring the wonderful world of LinkedIn message ads, looking at how they might be effective for your brand, how to set one up and how to optimise them for results!

Formerly known as Sponsored InMail, you’ll have seen these come into your inbox once in a while with the tag ‘sponsored’ in the corner.

From the get-go, this does tell you automatically that it’s an ad - which you might have found has had you hesitate to open them when they land in your own inbox, but we’ll get into this, and why this means your wording is vital, later on!

The great thing about these ads is that usually on LinkedIn, you can only message people within your network, and sharing something with lots of people individually would, as I mentioned earlier, require quite the effort.

This way, however, you can message thousands of prospects with a promotional message that appears at the top of their inbox!

And, according to LinkedIn, more than one in two prospects will open a message ad - perhaps precisely because they put a cap on how many each user can receive.

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