Ichneumonidae : Mesochorus discitergus parasitizes Cotesia hispanica

Описание к видео Ichneumonidae : Mesochorus discitergus parasitizes Cotesia hispanica

The hyperparasitoid Mesochorus discitergus Say, 1835, (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Mesochorinae), parasitizes the larvae of many Microgasterinae (Braconidae) developing in caterpillars of several Lepidoptera species.

On 4 May 2014, a female hyperparasitoid M. discitergus has been filmed parasitizing the larvae of Cotesia hispanica (Oltra& Falco, 1996) inside a parasitized mature caterpillar of the Spotted Fritillary (Melitaea didyma Esper, 1778).

Mesochorus discitergus has an almost worldwide distribution.

True hyperparasitoids attack the primary parasitoid while it is still growing inside the host! However pseudohyperparasitoids attack the primary parasitoid (usually in its cocoon) after it has finished feeding and left the body of the host. Both are sometimes called secondary parasitoids.

Dr. Matthias Riedel – Mesochorus discitergus

Identification and biological remarks
Dr. Mark R. Shaw – Cotesia hispanica

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