Distinguished Speakers Series: Detavio Samuels, REVOLT

Описание к видео Distinguished Speakers Series: Detavio Samuels, REVOLT

Detavio Samuels, CEO of REVOLT, spoke about brand purpose and career progression in an interview with Dean Bill Boulding. He reflected on REVOLT’s social justice mission, advertising dollars spent on Black-owned media, and participation and representation in media.

The talk was held on February 20, 2024 as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

More information about the series can be found at https://www.fuqua.duke.edu/dss

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:20 How did REVOLT move from not just music revolution, but to social justice revolution?
00:05:20 Can you talk about the "illusion of inclusion"?
00:09:30 How has REVOLT grown despite headwinds?
00:12:01 How do you reclaim control over the narrative of Black people?
00:17:12 Can you explain how these stories are a combination of mirrors and windows?
00:20:27 Regarding windows, can you explain your idea "let's be unapologetically ourselves, then whoever wants to, can come in"?
00:22:30 Your media engagement numbers are about 50% non-Black audiences, correct?
00:30:54 You used to want to be the "Black Disney." What changed?
00:37:30 Walk us through REVOLT's position regarding mental health in society.
00:40:38 Tell us about "jumping ladders" instead of climbing ladders
00:46:32 Is there a pocket in media for audiences made of Gen X and Baby Boomers?
00:50:47 How is REVOLT bridging African-American culture with African culture?
00:53:01 Regarding mirrors and windows, is the state of Hip-Hop today positive for the Black community?
00:56:56 How has your educational journey (classses, mentors, experiences) led to your career success?


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