FFmpeg vs Libav Development History Visualized

Описание к видео FFmpeg vs Libav Development History Visualized

FFmpeg and Libav are two free software projects on multimedia. Libav project split from FFmpeg at March 13, 2011 [1]. As a result, many free software communities had to choose between FFmpeg and Libav (e.g. Debian). The development in both projects continued, and both flourished in their own ways for their own identified goals. Here it is clear which project has a more vibrant development, and therefore indicates a better future.

Here the git repositories of both projects since early 2011 is visualized [2,3]. Github gravatars (avatars) were grabbed, and git logs from both projects were processed into video stream using Gource [4]. See the code that produced this video for specific parameters (seconds for each day etc.) below.

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata No. 14 is the background music, which makes the development look more alive.
FFmpeg project leader Michael Niedermayer is set to be always visible.

[1] https://libav.org/news/#2011-03-13
[2] https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/
[3] https://github.com/libav/libav
[4] gource.io

Gource command:
gource --seconds-per-day 0.1 --auto-skip-seconds 0.3 --file-idle-time 15 --elasticity 0.5 --key --date-format "%F %T" --max-file-lag 0.001 --start-position 0.45 --stop-at-end --output-framerate 60 --multi-sampling --font-size 24 --hide mouse,filenames --title "FFmpeg and Libav development" --caption-file caption.txt --caption-duration 5 --caption-colour ff0000 --caption-size 36 --user-image-dir ./avatar/ --highlight-user "Michael Niedermayer" ~/Documents/Github/a/combined-seperate.log --output-ppm-stream - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -i moonmoon.wma -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 1 -threads 4 -bf 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest ffmpeg_libav.mp4


Информация по комментариям в разработке