I Ranked ALL 8 Eevee Evolutions | Pokemon | Mr1upz

Описание к видео I Ranked ALL 8 Eevee Evolutions | Pokemon | Mr1upz

mr1upz has a crack at sorting out ranking Eevee Evolutions. A nice ol Eeveelutions Tier List for the people. Well I say Eevee Evolution tier list but it's really just a grown man's rapid mental decline into the shadow realm continuing. The strongest Eevee is a very debatable topic for Pokemon, the most subjective Pokemon to rank outside of ranking starter pokemon. (I mean, even then you do get a starter Pokemon Eevee... also Umbreon and Espeon)

The worst Eevee is very obvious, to me at least (Idk, maybe they're all way better in Pokemon Unite) but once you get past and you get straight into the Top 5 Eeveelutions Ranked waters, that's when sorting out an Eevee Evolutions ranking can get a bit messy. You'd think making all of these Pokemon tier lists that I've already done some form of an Eeveelutions react to all of them by now. With the stone evolutions tier list, and the friendship evolutions videos I've covered all bases inadvertently. I should already know who the weakest Eeveelutions are. But this time it's personal, this time it's the dead set canonical, undisputed Eevee Evolutions ranked (Well, maybe give or take 5th/4th place depending on how I'm feeling).

And I swear, Pokemon Presents better not pipe up and drop a new DLC trailer tomorrow or some mad Pokemon leak happens where a new Eeveelution reveal happens or some paradox Umbreon with plasma goo in his rings spawns outta nowhere right as soon as I finally got around to ranking all 8 Eevee Evolutions. It's gonna stay at 8 at least till gen 10, YA HEAR ME BOYO. You'll be getting far more than Umbreon X Espeon or Sylveon x Brock or whatever. I've drawn my battle lines in the intro... But after now ranking every Eeveelution will reign supreme as the Alpha Eevee?

The Gram:   / notorious1upz  

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