A slow motion topple | Steeple Collapse New London, CT

Описание к видео A slow motion topple | Steeple Collapse New London, CT

The steeple was slowly tiliting towords collapse but nobody noticed. The church steeple of of the First Congregational Church in New London, CT, collapsed at 1:30pm on Thursday Jan 25, 2024. Through frame by frame measurements of the security footage the lean has been measured and described in the video

The currents building owner is Engaging Heaven Ministries. This church was completed in 1851 after the previous church burnt down. The architect rejected the construction of the spire and said the only solution was for it to be rebuilt. This did not happen and it turned out to be a 170 ticking time bomb.

The following is a transcript of letter by Architect Leopold Eidtlitz addressed to the church building committee as recorded in the church register:
New London Oct 21, 1851

The walls of the main tower of your church have parted in several places, in consequence of defective masonry and unequal settling, produced by a want of sufficient bond in the walls and by the hurried erection of the steeple.
Mr Blescch and myself thought proper to secure the tower with iron anchors, by which means we succeeded in staying the progress of the parting of the walls.
In order to arrive at the most efficient mode of remedying the defect of the structure in a permanent manner, I have (without your consent) consulted Mr Upjohn, (architect from city f New York) on the subject, and after mature deliberation we have come to the conclusion that in order to secure a sound and substantial tower to your church, its would be advisable as the only sure remedy, to take down the whole of the steeple and tower, and have it rebuilt by a more competent and reliable person than your present contractor. Submitting this, our opinion to your deliberation.
I am, Gentlemen, Most Respectfully Yours.
Leopold Eidlitz of the firm Blesch & Eidlitz

Andrew Frink Esq.
Sydney Henn Esq.
VS Perkins Esq.
Building Committee of the first Congregational church, New London.

Voted that the Society take no actionat present on the subject of the communication made by L. Eidlitz to the building committee regarding the main tower & spire of the meeting house.

The meeting was then adjourned without day

Attest Ephehenbrough Clerk

*certain words are indistinct and this is by best assumption.


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