Made In Heaven Tour | Part 4 | Fictional Live Remix (FINAL PART)

Описание к видео Made In Heaven Tour | Part 4 | Fictional Live Remix (FINAL PART)

Live Around the World!
Date: XX/XX/1996
Fictional Live Album

- History -
After the successful tour of the Innuendo Tour, the band would be absent for several years, to return with a new album, "Made In Heaven", which would replicate the same success of the previous album.

This time the band would not do so many concerts to promote the album, since Freddie still had sequelae from HIV, which made him very tired in a short time, but that did not stop the band from playing all over the continents, having recitals in England, the United States, Argentina, Mexico, France, Japan, etc, and reaching countries that they had not touched before, such as Korea, Ukraine, Colombia, etc.

In the set it opened too many changes, since many concurrent songs would no longer be from the set, like Hammer To Fall and Now I'm Here, and old songs would return, and obviously the new songs from the new album would also be there.

And also, solo songs by Brian and Freddie would be added to the set, by their own decision, to give a fresh air to the set of songs at concerts.

"A Kind Of Magic" would start with the hits on the set, following later, Freddie would appear with a guitar and "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" would start, a song that has always been on every tour since "The Game Tour", although from a few years later the improvisations in the middle of the song would last longer.

"The Show Must Go On" would make its appearance on the set being the representative of the mythical album "Innuendo", a song with an emotional meaning, then it would go possibly what most characterizes Freddie, Playing with the public (Ay-Oh!), to later start their biggest hit in their entire history, "Bohemian Rhapsody" would sound and the whole public would go crazy and sing along with Freddie, in the opera part there would be a compilation of videos of the band for all the years and then start with the rock and end emotionally with the song.

They would start the first and only encoro of the entire set with "Radio Ga Ga" that is never missing in the sets, to later start with "We Will Rock You", but it will not follow after "We Are The Champions", they would replicate what they did in 1986 and they would put a song in between these songs which would be "I Was Born To Love You" being a surprise for the public, and as I said before, "We Are The Champions" would follow to end the concert as they always do and just put a tape of "God Save The Queen" to fully end the set and concert.

00:00:00 - 23. A Kind Of Magic
00:06:04 - 24. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
00:10:22 - 25. The Show Must Go On
00:14:40 - d). Ay-Oh! (Vocal Improvisation)
00:15:48 - 26. Bohemian Rhapsody
00:21:20 - ENCORE WAIT

00:21:54 - 27. Radio Ga Ga
00:28:00 - 28. We Will Rock You
00:30:08 - 29. I Was Born To Love You
00:34:13 - 30. We Are The Champions
00:38:05 - 31. God Save The Queen (Tape)


Well, this is the last part of this project, I hope you liked this project, I loved doing it, how this tour would have existed, and with this I end all the albums that didn't have a tour or concert promoting it (I don't count the which are after the album "Made In Heaven"); I hope you like this last part!

In this part of the album, I used remixes from Arquest Remixes, I used "The Show Must Go On" and "I Was Born To Love You", all credits to him for creating those fantastic remixes, and for inspiring me to make this Made In Heaven Tour.

It is divided into parts because if it was uploaded completely, they can block me for using official sources, Enjoy it!


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