單身爸爸回福建老家:租3400畝山林,讓孩子野蠻生長 Single dad back to a mountain Fujian village Give kids a wild childhood

Описание к видео 單身爸爸回福建老家:租3400畝山林,讓孩子野蠻生長 Single dad back to a mountain Fujian village Give kids a wild childhood

6年前,37歲的項惠斌放下打拼近20年的事業,和安穩優渥的城市生活,帶著兩個孩子,從深圳回到老家福建培田村。 重蹈父輩的軌跡,傳承做老中醫的祖父的手藝,種稻、釀酒、曬藥。 他要面對的是棘手的現實,村裡的學校因為沒有學生要關門,小女兒上學該怎麼辦? 如何讓新村民來這裡找到營生,延續這個村莊的生命?

Six years ago, 37-year-old Xiang Huibin gave up his career of nearly 20 years and his stable and good city life, and returned to his hometown Peitian Village, Fujian Province from Shenzhen with his two children. Following the path of the elder generation, he inherits the skills of his grandfather, who was an experienced Chinese medicine doctor, growing rice, brewing wine, and producing medicinal herbs. He has to face the challenging reality. What his youngest daughter will do when the village school is closed because there are no students, and how can he get new villagers to come here to find a livelihood and continue the life of the village?

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