No Limits Singers - Kunjani Ngalena?

Описание к видео No Limits Singers - Kunjani Ngalena?

Theme: Gospel Platform...

Where, The Plan, The Platform, The Planters meet the nations. Site for the Nations!!

Why Gospel Platform?

The plan of salvation makes God our friend and not our enemy. We also want to show that this plan of salvation alone is more important than anything else in everyone's life. This is our message to all nations by presenters from many nations.

So, the songs you have always wanted the world to hear, the sermons you've always preached to the mirror, the poetry that you always recited to your kids, the acting skills you suspect you have, the good stories that crack your friends in laughter- all the spiritual gifts you want to put to use, have finally found their right platform and audience. Gospel Platform has the capability to reach mobile phones all over the world! Literally! At their convenience!

Bless others whether or not you are blessed!

Thanks NO LIMITS: Please support these professionals by buying their cds as well from their website.

In this presentation they had just got off the plane on their whirlwind tour of the USA. They graciously managed to swing by our church Dalllas International SDA. They presented several songs in their typical easygoing but inspiring style.

Kunjani Ngalena? Zulu for "How is it over there?"

Bless others whether or not you are blessed!


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