Heart-warming Anglican chants (Various) - Guildford Cathedral Choir (Barry Rose)

Описание к видео Heart-warming Anglican chants (Various) - Guildford Cathedral Choir (Barry Rose)

Guildford Cathedral Choir, directed by Barry Rose:
Services at Guildford Cathedral and elsewhere:
(A compilation of psalm performances from the years 1967-1971)

1. 0:00:00 Psalm 8: O Lord our governor (1 July 1970). Chant: John Hopkins

2. 0:02:48 Psalm 73: Truly God is loving unto Israel (14 January 1969). Chant: John Soaper

3. 0:09:20 Psalm 32: Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven (6 July 1970). Chant: George Garrett

4. 0:13:42 Psalm 93: The Lord is king and hath put on glorious apparel (18 October 1971). Chant: Henry Ley

5. 0:15:42 Psalm 34: I will alway give thanks unto the Lord (6 July 1970). Chant: Walter Alcock

6. 0:21:24 Psalm 48: Great is the Lord and highly to be praised (9 June 1967). Chant: George Garrett

7. 0:25:18 Psalm 37: Fret not thyself because of the ungodly (7 July 1970). Chants: Samuel Matthews (vv 1-11, 23-28, 40-end), George Martin (vv 12-22, 29-39)

8. 0:35:54 Psalm 33: Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous (6 July 1970). Chant: John Goss

9. 0:41:41 Psalm 142: I cried unto the Lord with my voice (Chester Cathedral, 29 July 1971). Chant: John Stainer

10. 0:44:51 Psalm 53: The foolish body hath said in his heart (10 July 1970). Chant: Stanley Vann

11. 0:47:20 Psalm 6: O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation (1 July 1970). Chant: William Croft

12. 0:50:40 Psalm 136: O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious (Peterborough Cathedral, 28 July 1967). Chant: Henry Bellringer

13. 0:56:57 Psalm 7: O Lord my God in thee have I put my trust (1 July 1970). Chant: James Turle

14. 1:02:18 Psalm 74: O God wherefore art thou absent from us so long (14 January 1969). Chants: Samuel Sebastian Wesley (vv 1-12), William Crotch (vv 13-18), William Morley (vv 19-end)

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