Driving around Stellenbosch | South Africa | 2021/12/16 |

Описание к видео Driving around Stellenbosch | South Africa | 2021/12/16 |

Recording equipment:
LUKAS 4K H900 UHD + FHD 2CH Dash Cam.
Please contact Qrontech (Qvia and Lukas Dash Cameras) official website at http://www.qviadashcam.net/ or https://www.lukashd.com/

Route Map: https://goo.gl/maps/Hz5C6QeFiM4qnWMu7

Enjoy the videos some are very long, forward or rewind at your own leisure.

For suggestions email or more information email: [email protected]

Soundtracks source: https://www.epidemicsound.com/


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