
Описание к видео #SCOSoundbites

#SCOSoundbites – The Celestial Web

Concert: Strings Fantasy
Date: 24 September 2022
Poem by Tan Swie Hian, Music by Law Wai Lun

The Celestial Web is a modern poem of 117 verses specially written by Tan Swie Hian for the 2003 Singapore Arts Festival. The poem took reference from the Avatamsaka Sutra, which expounds the noble philosophical insights of the interconnectiveness of sentient and non-sentient beings and the universal love that should be shared among all. This work will be performed in the form of a symphonic orchestration of recitation and orchestra amidst the supplementing poems and themes that illustrate the distinctive characteristics of each section in the piece.
View Strings Fantasy house programme here: https://bit.ly/3KtDaye

#SCO音乐摘录 - 《天网》

音乐会:《弦 ∙ 彩》

《天网》是陈瑞献先生特别为这场艺术盛会创作的一首117行现代诗。诗词的题材取自《华严经》,表达的是生活万物互为牵连的同体大爱的哲学思想。 这部以朗诵、乐队互相交融、辉映的交响音诗,配合诗的主题以及每一段词的不同特色,以连续演奏的多段体形式创作而成。 序奏以渐渐增长的音响和上升的弦乐颤音展示着那无边无量的大网;高亢的笛子与深沉的大提琴独奏,似乎听到了天与地的对话,这一幅幅迅速变换的音乐素描,勾画出了整部作品的基本意境。

点击链接参阅《弦 ∙ 彩》节目册: https://bit.ly/3KtDaye


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