Tagliamento River expedition (June 2021)

Описание к видео Tagliamento River expedition (June 2021)

Overnight trip along Fella and Tagliamento river (Italy).
We started in Chiusaforte, spent the night next to the river, and ended at the Dignano bridge, around 60 kilometres downstream.

On the Fella river the stream is faster, and there are a few dangerous weirs (1-3 meters) in the proximity of the bridges. After the confluence with the Tagliamento, the river slows down a little, and the valley opens up. Once passed the Trasaghis bridge, the river bed widens over a kilometre in width. Absolutely amazing to observe the dynamics of a braided free-flowing river in full power, just a couple of weeks after a flooding event.

These gems are part of the last intact river system of the Alps! The Tagliamento river, apart from its beauty, it's a crucial ecologic hotspot and natural corridor between the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomites. A useless highway and a dam to control flooding events in the lowermost section, are planned for many years, in Pinzano. These projects will inevitably alter the ecosystem and significantly disrupt the landscape.
Let's stop them, and preserve the river instead: let it flow!


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