New Zealand Cruise 2022, Ovation of the Seas, night embark from Sydney Harbour. Northstar amazing

Описание к видео New Zealand Cruise 2022, Ovation of the Seas, night embark from Sydney Harbour. Northstar amazing

We embarked for an 11day cruise up the East coast of New Zealand from Sydney in near perfect weather. Ovation of The Seas is an amazing ship. Royal Carribean cruise line did such an amazing job, the food was awesome with such a huge variety of dishes. Entertainment was good. We arrived in Milford Sound 2 days later. We were some of the lucky ones who got to go through Milford, Doubtful and Dusky Sounds on this cruise, there are a lot of people do this cruise and Authorities or captain will close the voyage through here and some of New Zealand cities due to inclement weather. We did not get to go into Christchurch as Port authorities closed it. We did get into Dunedin, Wellington, Napier and Picton. Each of these cities are unique and picturesque. Check out all our informative videos ‪@Aussies_on_dream_travel-dn5ht‬. If you like any of the content please subscribe, we hope you enjoy our Vlogs and we hope they give you some ideas on your travel. Our Europe Vlogs are especially designed to help with some very tricky to navigate cities and transport. If you have any questions we will be happy to help. Thanks for traveling with us on our dream trips from Australia

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