Hiking With Dogs Tips- Don't Forget The Tick Check!

Описание к видео Hiking With Dogs Tips- Don't Forget The Tick Check!

Ken takes his Border Collie Mac and his Labrador Retriever Deegan for a hike on a hot day. Because it is so hot and he doesn't want to have to worry about the dogs having a heat emergency he decides to go on a hike up a nearby stream. After a nice short hike, he decides to end the hike, but there's only one problem. He can't get out of the stream anywhere. He hasn't prepared for the long sharp grass and grown in condition of the stream banks that he would frequent when he was younger. The area has changed a lot since then. This makes for a challenging scenario for both him and the dogs. and now the dogs need to be checked for ticks. In this video I will give a brief overview of how to check if your dog has ticks. This is not a comprehensive tutorial, but you will learn how to find a tick on your dog.

Everybody by K-391
Creative Commons Music: http://ccmusic.co
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... for CC BY-SA 3.0

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Happy Training! ~Ken


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