Описание к видео 1859 ROLLS FOR ATALANTA!!!!!!!

I've been waiting for this day for a long time...
They butchered the Apocrypha Rerun banner, so I kept waiting...
Then they delayed this banner by a month, so still I kept waiting...
And then they put her on the very last rotation after all the x2 XP events ended...
And the end result...is a very questionable rate-up.

4059 Saint Quartz, 337 Tickets
Total Summons: 1859

Distribution Details
5* Servant - 1% (1.08%)[20]
4* Servant - 3% (2.42%)[45]
3* Servant - 40% (41.53%)[772]
5* Craft Essence - 4% (3.55%)[66]
4* Craft Essence - 12% (16.51%)[307]
3* Craft Essence - 40% (34.91%)[649]

Rate Up Details
5* [Servant: Assassin] Kama - 0.8% (0.75%)[14]
4* [Servant: Archer] Atalante - 1.5% (1.02%)[19]
5* [Craft Essence] Distant Pilgrimage - 2.8% (2.64%)[49]
4* [Craft Essence] Moment of Bliss - 4.0% (5.43%)[101]
3* [Craft Essence] Away We Go! - 8.0% (6.40%)[119]

The 4* CE, 3* CE, and 3* Servant results are explainable by the multi-roll gimmick. However, the 4* Servant rate-up is 2/3 what it should be, and I do not think "bad luck" is a reasonable excuse with 1859 pulls and an overall 4* Servant result of 2.42%.

I should have gotten at least 6 more copies of Atalanta, which would raise her up to a 1.34% result, and raise the overall 4* Servant result to 2.74%.


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