GRADE 1-3 Reading Comprehension Practice I My favourite food is...I Let Us Read! I with Teacher Jake

Описание к видео GRADE 1-3 Reading Comprehension Practice I My favourite food is...I Let Us Read! I with Teacher Jake

Reading Comprehension Practice with Questions to Answer

Art’s favourite food
Art’s favourite food is pizza because it is cheesy and yummy. His mom makes the best pizza at home. She puts tomatoes, cheese, green peppers, and mushrooms on it. He likes eating pizza with his family. Pizza makes him very happy!

1. Art likes pizza because it is ___ and ___.
a. cheesy and crunchy
b. cheesy and yummy
c. crunchy and yummy
2. Who makes the best pizza at home?
a. Art himself
b. His dad
c. His mom
3. Mom puts tomatoes, cheese, __, and mushrooms.
a. green peppers
b. green vegetables
c. red and green peppers

Answer: 1. b, 2. c, 3. a

Lily likes cookies.
Lily likes cookies so much. They are sweet and crunchy. She loves to eat cookies after school. Sometimes, her mom gives her a glass of milk with her cookies. She likes chocolate chip cookies the best. Lily eats cookies even before bedtime.

1. Lily describes cookies as ___ and ___.
a. yummy and crunchy
b. sweet and yummy
c. sweet and crunchy
2. Her mom gives her _____ with her cookies.
a. a glass of milk
b. a glass of water
c. a glass of juice
3. Lily eats cookies even before ___.
a. school
b. bedtime
c. playtime

Answer: 1. c, 2. a, 3. b

I like vegetables.
My favourite vegetables are carrots, peas, and broccoli. Carrots are orange and crunchy. Peas are small and green. Broccoli looks like a little tree. I eat vegetables every day. They help me grow strong and healthy. I like to eat them in salads or soups.

1. She likes carrots, peas, and ___.
a. cabbage
b. broccoli
c. spinach
2. How often does she eat vegetables?
a. every day
b. every week
c. sometimes
3. She likes to eat vegetables in ___ or ___.
a. salads or fruits
b. salads or meat
c. salads or soups

Answer: 1. b, 2. a, 3. c


Comprehension, or extracting meaning from what we read, is the ultimate goal of reading.

This video is used to practice the reading and understanding of the students in the class.

This will cultivate the students' love for reading, develop their oral and reading skills, and train them in critical reading and thinking.

Teacher Jake


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