Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper - The Nanman Campaign (Wu) | Sun Ce

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper - The Nanman Campaign (Wu) | Sun Ce

Uploading this on its own because the stage took so damn long. A lot of people have trouble with this stage. It's a constant uphill battle due to the Nanman gaining morale every time Meng Huo respawns and your side losing morale periodically due to the climate and various other factors like encountering elephants and poison marshes, the later of which will instant kill the first officer that encounters it.

But if you manage Meng Huo's morale properly, the stage becomes much more doable. You can also get 3 Nanman units to defect to give you more allies to work with. And, if all else fails, you can play as a commander and never lose the stage so long as you never die, so you can just brute force it in worse case scenario.

Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne can defect if you defeat Yong Kai AND all of his sub-officers. Later, Yang Feng appears as enemy reinforcements, but will defect to your side once your own allied reinforcements arrive. Your ally reinforcements arrive 13 or 10 minutes into the stage, depending on if you cleared the first battle in Musou Mode or not.

The best time to lower Meng Huo's morale is at the middle section of the stage where Mang Yachang is and Meng You respawns. Defeating a sub-officer lowers the commander's morale, so defeating Meng You twice and Mang Yachang will lower Meng Huo's morale by 3 already. Then you can just keep wailing on his troops until he's at 0. Racking up kills will get your allies morale too, which helps ensure their survival. Eventually they'll even start getting KO achievements to further help.

Meng Huo respawn and jump up to 3 morale every other time he appears, but by then he'll have so many troops on the map engaging your army that his troops will keep getting slaughtered and his morale will plummet right back down again. At that point, the only problem your allies face are the other enemy officers who are almost certainly going to all be at max morale. But only some of them move up and only one at a time, based on your actions, so you can just deal with them.

Now if you DON'T lower Meng Huo's morale, he'll stay at max morale and all his troops scattered all over the map will slaughter your 5 or less morale allies. A single gate captain can kill an officer if it's at max morale. This is usually what makes this stage so difficult for people.

For this video in particular, I was playing in Musou Mode and deliberately trying to make the battle take 30 minutes. Because 30 minutes into the stage, if you didn't clear Nan Territory first, there's an event where your Musou Officer ally will retreat to go help the front line. That triggers at 34:20 . It's actually a bit weird because the game doesn't give you a notice that your allied officer has retreated, you just get the spoken lines. You have to manually check the map to see your Musou Officer ally has vanished. I suspect this is because the Musou Officer is randomized and could be anyone, so they just didn't bother making text that could change for this event no one will see without deliberately drawing this stage out on Musou Mode, and only if they skipped the first stage.

I actually did this stage TOO well and missed Meng Huo's surrender event because my allies killed him within a minute of his reappearance while I was on the other side of the map, trying to draw out the stage. And to get that event to trigger you have to defeating Meng Huo yourself 7 times, including once in a duel, and dueling Zhu Rong, AND trigger Wu Tugu's fire arrow ambush. The last one I didn't even know was a trigger, and ended up having to replay this stage 3 more times to get the surrender flag on, because that's needed to have changes in the other stages in Musou Mode.

Also yes, I forgot to put the borders on this video.


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