Dennis Shepard's courtroom speech

Описание к видео Dennis Shepard's courtroom speech

On October 6, 2008 it will be ten years since Matthew Shepard was the victim of a violent anti-gay hate crime on the outskirts Laramie, Wyoming. On October 12, 2008 it will be ten years since Matthew Shepard succumbed to the atrocious injuries he incurred.

At the conclusion of one of his killer's trials on November 4, 1999, Matthew's father, Dennis, delivered a moving speech in open court.

The audio that is heard in this video was inspired by that speech -- it is a adaptation & dramatization of Mr. Shepard's courtroom statement. It is an audio excerpt from the 2002 HBO film "The Laramie Project" in which Terry Kinney played the part of Dennis Shepard.

Mr. Shepard's full speech/statement can be read here:

Another very moving delivery of this speech from a stage setting, performed by Cory Richards, can be found here:
   • The Laramie Project - Stage scene  

To learn more please visit

Many states have their own hate crimes legislation, but there are several that do not. It has been a long battle to try to a get a federal bill that includes LGBT citizens and we're not there yet -- please write your senators and congressperson to let them know it is important. Senator Kennedy has been spearheading a bill and has been doing a great job. The cause must continue.



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