Lastenlauluja suomeksi - Jos sull lysti on + 10 min Tinyschool Suomi

Описание к видео Lastenlauluja suomeksi - Jos sull lysti on + 10 min Tinyschool Suomi

Lastenlauluja suomeksi Tinyschool Suomi

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TINYSCHOOL on Youtube-kanava, jonka tarkoituksena on opettaa lapsille aakkoset, numerot, sanoja, lauluja ja muita hyödyllisiä asioita hauskanpidon keinoin. Toteutamme tämän yhdistämällä 3D-animaatiota musiikkiin, lastenlauluihin ja muihin kasvatuksellisiin metodeihin. 

Toivomme, ettei näyttäytyisi vanhemmille ainoastaan keinolta kuluttaa aikaa, vaan myös tavalta oppia uusia ja tärkeitä, arkielämässä tarpeellisia asioita. 

Lue lisää osoitteessa:
Facebook:   / 597083590341959  
Twitter:   / tinyschooltv is a YouTube channel aiming to teach toddlers and babies the alphabet, numbers, words, singing and other useful things while having fun at the same time. We do this by using 3d animated videos that children enjoy together with nursery rhymes and other educational methods.

We hope that parents feel that their kids are not only passing time when watching, but also learning important things that they will be able to use in their everyday lives.

Tinyschool was started by a father on his parental leave, but tinyschool has now grown into the company Velvio, where our goal is to service as many children as possible with access to online tools of education. We aim to keep improving the quality of the videos and to also develop other internet tools to help the learning of our children.


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